
           I try to write about my brother Shota Nakagawa. He is very tall, so he always looks like strong and fierce. However, he has very cute and small eyes. He is very kind for child or his family. He is easily moved to tears. When I was going to enter an university in other prefecture, he cried while writing a letter to me. When our grandfather died, he cried than anyone. He is very emotional. He is good at play a guitar and sing a song. He always sings a song while playing a guitar. I listen to this music and relax. His music makes people happy. Also he is good at draw a picture. When he is in elementary school and junior high school and high school, he got prizes by his pictures. His picture is very unusual and cool. I love his picture.
           In this way, he is very emotional and good at draw a picture and sing a song, so I think that he has a strongerleft brain” .In fact he is right-handed. It is very interesting for me to guess whether they have a strongerleft brain” or  “right brain. I want to make other people.

1 件のコメント:

  1. Hmmm, you're confusing left handed and left braiin strengths. Left-handed people are more likely to have a stronger RIGHT brain, not a strong LEFT brain. The sides of the brain and left/right handedness cross, they don't match! da Vinci was amazing because he had so many artistic abilities **as well as** his mathematical/logical skills. I think your comments on clothes are only about the IMAGE the person is creating, not what kind of character they have.

    Journal A = 280+ words = 7 APs!!!

    I think you are confused about left/right brain strengths. Emotional intelligence, art and music are usually RIGHT brain strengths. However, you grouped them together, so I agree with your analysis - just that he has a stronger RIGHT brain because of all those things except for his right-handedness.

    Journal B = 200+ words = 5 APs!

    Mr. W.
